have a complaint?

we take your feedback seriously and deal with any issue in a responsible and transparent manner …

Here’s briefly how our complaints process works:

All complaints are handled by an independent 3rd party – because we take your complaint seriously and treat all our clients fairly.

  1. simply fill in the below form with the required details and add any supporting documents (if applicable)
  2. upon receipt, the complaint will be logged and acknowledgment of receipt will be provided in writing within 5 working days
  3. we’ll attempt to resolve the complaint within 5 working days, should this timeframe not be possible the complainant will be notified of steps taken and an expected date for resolution of the issue
  4. the complainant will be informed in writing of the resolution and outcome of the complaint

please fill in the below form:

  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 64 MB.

    Head Office:
    Tel: 011 886 0922
    Spartan House
    387 Jan Smuts Avenue
    Corner Conrad Drive
    Johannesburg 2196
    South Africa

    Finance for my SME clients